What is User Acceptance Testing? What Should Be Tested During UAT?

By Andrew Luna | July 21, 2022

Before publishing or launching an application to production, one critical step in the testing process occurs called User Acceptance Testing. But what is User Acceptance Testing (UAT), and where does this happen in the process? How is testing done?

In this post, I will explain what UAT is and where this testing occurs in the software development lifecycle. I will also touch upon the different issues that can arise and will briefly mention testing tools that can be used for testing. 

What is User Acceptance Testing?

User acceptance testing, or UAT, is the final phase of software testing. User acceptance testing is confirming all features and functionalities meet the requirements and expectations.

This is done through testing the application or website as a user or client in an environment that mimics the production environment. If testing meets all the requirements, then the overall tests are accepted. This is one of the most critical stages in the development lifecycle because this is the closest the test team will have to understand how the application or website will function in the production environment.

Testing is usually handled by the product team and the customer or client. This will give the team an idea of the final application or website. Usually, during UAT, the team will receive last-minute updates and issues to resolve. The client and customer will also provide helpful feedback that the team may not have foreseen or planned. 

Why is UAT Important?

UAT is important for several reasons. Here are some of them:

  1. UAT ensures that the software meets the requirements set out by the client or end user. This is important because it can help to ensure that the software is fit for purpose and meets the needs of those who will be using it.

  2. User-acceptance testing can help to identify any bugs or errors in the software that passed previous rounds of testing. For this reason, this testing type is crucial since it is a final layer that can help to improve the quality of the software before it is released to the public.

  3. UAT can help to ensure that the software is user-friendly and easy to use. By testing the software with actual end users, it's possible to get feedback on how intuitive and user-friendly the interface is. This can be important for ensuring that the software is successful once it's released.

  4. In general, user-acceptance testing can provide valuable feedback that can be used to improve the software. These reviews can be used to make changes to the software before it is released or to improve future versions of the service.

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Who should be involved in UAT activities?

UAT activities should be carried out by those who will be using the software on a day-to-day basis. This means that they're in the best position to identify any issues with its functionality or usability.

It's important to involve as many people as possible in UAT, as this can help to ensure that all potential issues are identified and addressed. However, it's also important to ensure that those who are carrying out UAT activities have the necessary time and resources available to them.

What should be tested during UAT?

The aim of UAT is to ensure that the software meets the needs of the end users. This means that all aspects of its functionality should be tested, including its usability, performance, and compliance with any relevant standards.

It's also important to test the software in a real-world environment, as this can help to identify any issues that only occur under actual conditions. This means UAT activities should be carried out on live systems rather than test servers.

Where does UAT occur in the process?

This stage in the testing lifecycle happens when the application or website is in its final stages before releasing to the production environment. Any last-minute changes or issues found during UAT will prevent any unnecessary hotfixes from bugs making their way into the production environment. 

Before UAT, the first stage begins in the development environment where the developers build the website or application. The next stage in the development lifecycle is the testing environment. This is where the QA team will execute their tests and verify the features and functionality. After the bugs and issues are resolved, UAT is ready to begin. 

UAT will always occur before releasing the new code and updating the production environment. QA will conduct several smoke tests or quick sanity tests to verify that the environment is running correctly. Then, as mentioned before, the product team, customer(s), or client(s) will conduct their User Acceptance Testing.

UAT is beneficial for the following reasons:

Issues found during UAT

Some of the issues found during testing vary depending on the website or application being tested. However, some common problems can include:

What are the challenges of UAT?

One of the main challenges of UAT is ensuring that enough people are involved in the process. This can be difficult, as those who will be using the software on a day-to-day basis may not have the time or resources available to carry out UAT activities.

It's also important to ensure that those who are carrying out UAT activities have the necessary time and resources available to them. This can be a challenge, as UAT is often carried out towards the end of a project when time and resources are often tight.

Another challenge of UAT is getting accurate and representative feedback. This can be difficult, as end users may not be familiar with the software's functionality or may not be able to articulate their thoughts clearly.

Finally, UAT can be a time-consuming process, and it's important to ensure that it doesn't delay the release of the software. This can be a challenge, as UAT often requires significant planning and coordination.

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How can these challenges be overcome?

There are several ways to overcome the challenges of UAT. One is to involve as many people as possible in the process, to ensure that all potential issues are identified and addressed.

It's also important to ensure that those who are carrying out UAT activities have the necessary time and resources available to them. This can be done by planning UAT activities early on in the project to ensure that there's enough time for them to be carried out.

Another way to overcome the challenges of UAT is to get accurate and representative feedback. This can be done by involving a wide range of end users in UAT activities to ensure that all potential issues are identified.

Finally, it's vital to ensure that UAT doesn't delay the release of the software. This can be done by planning UAT activities early on in the project to ensure that there's enough time for them to be carried out.

Testing tools used for UAT

Since the end user is typically the one who performs the testing, the testing tools are usually handled by the QA team. These tools can include Load Ninja, which is used for performance testing. Automation tools such as UIlicious can help automate acceptance and usability testing by continuously testing the website or application.

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About Andrew Luna

I love to write about all things related to QA and UIlicious.

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