Accessibility Testing: How to Make Your Website More Accessible?

By Michael Da Silva | June 29, 2022

Making your website accessible is not only the right thing to do, but it will also help you reach a larger audience.

This blog post will discuss how you can make your website more accessible for people with disabilities. This includes ensuring all content is readable, including font size and color, ensuring all links are working and navigable, and providing an audio version of all website content for visually impaired people. By making your website accessible, you will be able to reach a larger audience and make a positive impact.

What is website accessibility, and why is it important?

Website accessibility is the inclusive practice of making websites usable by people with disabilities. This particular audience may use assistive technologies to access websites. Assistive technologies include screen readers, Braille displays, and alternative input devices.

Some common web accessibility issues include:

Making your website accessible is essential because it ensures that everyone can use and benefit from your site. It also helps you reach a larger audience and can improve your search engine optimization (SEO).

How can you make your website more accessible for people with disabilities?

There are many ways to make your website more accessible for people with disabilities.

Some common accessibility features include:

Many other accessibility features can be used to make your website more accessible. These are just a few of the most common.

Don’t hesitate to follow the rules set by the guidelines like the WCAG or the ADA guidelines and their three different levels of accessibility.

How can you test your website for accessibility compliance?

There are a number of ways to test your website for accessibility compliance:

Use an automated accessibility testing tool

Automated accessibility testing tools can scan your website and identify potential accessibility issues. Developers often use these tools to test websites during the development process.

You can use UIlicious, our automated testing tool to verify that your ARIA labels are set up properly by making our tool browse automatically your website using them. Indeed, our flexible and easy-to-use software is built to test user journeys. So why not use it to navigate your pages as a user with disabilities?

Try UIlicious for free by signup right now.

Some common automated accessibility testing tools include:

Sign up for UI-licious now

Manually test your website

You can also manually test your website for accessibility compliance. This involves testing all of the features by hand on your site to ensure that they are accessible.

Some common accessibility issues to look for when manually testing your website include:

What are the benefits of making your website accessible?

Making your website accessible has several benefits, including:


Making your website accessible is essential for many reasons. It can help you to reach a larger audience, improve your search engine rankings, and provide a better experience for all users. There are several ways to test your website for accessibility compliance, including using automated tools and manually testing your site.

Making your website accessible is integral to creating a successful online presence.

If you want to test the accessibility and usability of your web app or website, don't hesitate to try UIlicious, our robust and accessible automated web testing tool. We offer free trials, so you can see how our easy-to-learn scripting language and scheduling system work.

Sign up for UI-licious now

Do you have any tips for making a website more accessible? Let us know on Twitter or Linkedin.

About Michael Da Silva

I'm a digital marketing expert and project manager passionate about automation. When I'm not automating tests and experiments on UIlicious, you can find me blogging about Japan, where I live, on

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