11 Best Website Accessibility Testing Tools for 2022

By Andrew Luna | May 11, 2022

As more and more people use different devices to access the web, website accessibility is becoming increasingly important. And with the release of WCAG 2.0, it's more important than ever to ensure your website is accessible to everyone.

That's why we've compiled a list of the ten best website accessibility testing tools for 2022. These tools will help you identify any accessibility issues on your website so you can make the necessary changes to ensure that everyone can use your site.


Axe is a free, open-source tool that helps you test the accessibility of your website. It's available as a browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, and it can be used to test static and dynamic websites.

Axe is created by the developers at Deque Systems. Deque is a leading provider of accessibility software and services, and Axe is one of the most popular accessibility tools on the web.

Axe's accessibility testing features

Axe has several features that make it an excellent accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of Axe



How to use Axe?

To use Axe, you must install the Axe extension on your browser. Then, you can either run Axe on an entire webpage or on a specific element on a webpage. For instance, you can test the accessibility of a form by running Axe on the form element.

Axe will provide you with a report that details any accessibility issues that it found on the page. The report will also include suggestions on how to fix the issues.


WAVE is a free accessibility testing tool that's available as a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. It's also available as a stand-alone web application.

WAVE was created by WebAIM. WebAIM is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the accessibility of the web for people with disabilities.

WAVE was created to make it easier for people to test the accessibility of their websites. It's easy to use, and it provides detailed reports on the accessibility of your website.

WAVE's accessibility testing features

WAVE has several features that make it a great accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of WAVE



How to use WAVE?

Installing the WAVE extension on your browser will allow you to test any webpage or element for accessibility. For instance, running WAVE over an entire page of content could help ensure that all buttons are visible and function properly with no inaccessible elements hiding in wait!

WAVE provides you with a detailed report to help fix any accessibility issues it finds on the page. The recommendations are tailored for your specific needs, and can be implemented quickly so that people who visit your website don't encounter problems using it!


Tenon.io is a paid accessibility testing tool that offers a free trial. It's available as a stand-alone web application, and it can also be used as a WordPress plugin.

Tenon.io was created by a team of developers led by Dr. Jason Kiss. It was launched in 2014 to make it easier for people to test the accessibility of their websites. The team at Tenon.io is committed to making their tool the best possible accessibility testing tool available. They continue to update and improve Tenon.io regularly.

Tenon's accessibility testing features

Tenon has several features that make it a great accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of Tenon.io



How to use Tenon.io?

Signing up for a free trial is easy and can be done in just five minutes. Once you've created your account, enter the URL of any website that should undergo accessibility testing through Tenon's online tool to get started!

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Google Lighthouse

Google Lighthouse is a free, open-source tool that's available as a Chrome extension. It can be used to test the accessibility of your website, as well as the performance, SEO, and Progressive Web App (PWA) features.

This tool was created in September 2016 by Google. It's since been updated and improved regularly.

Google Lighthouse's accessibility testing features

Google Lighthouse has several features that make it a great accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of Google Lighthouse



How to use Google Lighthouse?

Google Lighthouse is already installed in the web browser you're using to read this article! To use it, just open the extension and click on the "Audits" tab of Google Chrome. From there, you can select which accessibility criteria you want to test for. Once you've done that, Lighthouse will analyze your website and provide you with a report detailing any accessibility issues it finds.

To use Google Lighthouse, you can also install the Chrome extension. Once you've done that, you can start testing your website for accessibility. Just enter the URL of your website into the Lighthouse test tool, and it will provide you with a report detailing any accessibility issues it finds.

WebAIM Contrast Checker

The WebAIM Contrast Checker is a free tool that's available as a web application. It can be used to test the color contrast of your website and make sure it meets the WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

This tool was created in March 2007 by the WebAIM team. Webaim Contrast Checker was created to help web designers and developers create websites that are accessible to people with visual impairments.

WebAIM Contrast Checker's accessibility testing features

The WebAIM Contrast Checker has several features that make it a great accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of WebAIM Contrast Checker



How to use WebAIM Contrast Checker?

You can use the WebAIM Contrast Checker to see if your website is accessible. All you need to do it sign up for a free trial and enter the URL of where this will happen on an internet device, like a PC or phone browser! It provides reports with any issues that might be preventing people from viewing content as well as ways they could fix them easily themselves without having professional help which many times costs more than just fixing everything up front instead.


Chromevox is a free extension that's available for the Google Chrome browser. It can be used to test the accessibility of your website and make sure it meets the WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

This tool was created in 2008 by Google. Chromevox is a screen reader that's designed for people who are blind or have low vision.

Chromevox's accessibility testing features

The Chromevox extension has several features that make it a great accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of Chromevox




NVDA is a free screen reader that's available for the Windows operating system. It can be used to test the accessibility of your website and make sure it meets the WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

This tool was created in 2006 by NV Access, a nonprofit organization that's dedicated to making technology accessible for everyone. NVDA is one of the most popular screen readers available and is used by millions of people around the world.

NVDA's accessibility testing features

The NVDA screen reader has several features that make it a great accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of NVDA



How to use NVDA?

To use NVDA, you'll need to install the screen reader from the NV Access website. Once you've done that, you can start testing your website for accessibility. Just enter the URL of your website into the NVDA test tool, and it will provide you with a report detailing any accessibility issues it finds.

Accessibility Inspector for Safari

Accessibility Inspector is a free extension that's available for the Safari web browser. It can be used to test the accessibility of your website and make sure it meets the WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

This tool was created by Apple. Accessibility Inspector is a built-in feature of the Safari web browser that lets you test for a wide range of accessibility issues.

Accessibility Inspector for Safari's features

The Accessibility Inspector extension has several features that make it a great accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of Safari's Accessibility Inspector



How to use the Accessibility Inspector for Safari?

To use the Accessibility Inspector, you'll need to install the extension from the Apple website. Once you've done that, you can start testing your website for accessibility. Just enter the URL of your website into the Accessibility Inspector test tool, and it will provide you with a report detailing any accessibility issues it finds.

Developer Tools for Firefox

Developer Tools is a free extension that's available for the Firefox web browser. It can be used to test the accessibility of your website and make sure it meets the WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

This tool was created by Mozilla. Developer Tools is a built-in feature of the Firefox web browser that lets you test for a wide range of accessibility issues.

Accessibility testing features of Developer Tools for Firefox

The Developer Tools extension has several features that make it a great accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of Firefox's Developer Tools



How to use Developer Tools for Firefox?

To use Developer Tools, you'll need to install the extension from the Mozilla website. Once you've done that, you can start testing your website for accessibility. Just enter the URL of your website into the Developer Tools test tool, and it will provide you with a report detailing any accessibility issues it finds.

Siteimprove Accessibility Checker

Siteimprove Accessibility Checker is a free online tool that can be used to test the accessibility of your website and make sure it meets the WCAG 2.0 guidelines.

This tool was created by Site Improve, a software company that's dedicated to making the web a better place for everyone. Site Improve Accessibility Checker is a free online tool that's been designed to test for a wide range of accessibility issues.

Site Improve Accessibility Checker's accessibility testing features

The Site Improve Accessibility Checker has several features that make it a great accessibility testing tool, including:

Pros and cons of Site Improve Accessibility Checker



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The first step to accessibility testing will always be finding the right tools for the job. With one or more of these tools in your toolbox, your website will be more ADA Compliant. Utilizing the best tools will help find unwanted issues related to design and accessibility. 

Are there additional tools that work for your team that was not mentioned here? Drop us a Tweet or a note on LinkedIn!

About Andrew Luna

I love to write about all things related to QA and UIlicious.