What is the Difference Between a Test Case and a Test Scenario?

By Michael Da Silva | April 25, 2022

Software testing is a critical process in the development of any software application. However, it can be unclear which terms to use when discussing software testing concepts. Two commonly confused terms are "test case" and "test scenario." Though they share some similarities, they have some essential differences that set them apart.

Let's take a closer look at those differences so you can be sure to use the proper term for the right situation.

Before explaining what makes test cases and test scenarios different, let's talk about UIlicious, our intuitive and flexible automation testing service.

Whether you use a test case or a test scenario as a reference, you can automate your test in a few minutes with our platform. The good news is that you don't even need to know how to code. Unlike other testing software of this kind, UIlicious uses a unique language that is descriptive and close to the English spoken language.

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Now that you know where you can bring your test cases and test scenarios to life, let's discuss these two concepts' definitions, similarities, and differences.

What is a test case?

A test case is a specific set of steps or instructions or specific inputs that can be used to test a particular function or feature of a software application. It usually includes the input values and expected results when after running a test. In other words, a test case is a collection of conditions under which a tester will determine whether the application behaves as expected.

For example, “When the user enters a valid American Express credit card and clicks on the Checkout button, the user is redirected to the order confirmation page” is a test case you could use to test your eCommerce website.

When should you use a test case?

When you want to test a particular function or feature of an application, you should use a test case. Test cases are more detailed and specific than test scenarios and include the input values and expected results that should occur when the test is run. This makes them perfect for verifying that an application is functioning correctly.

How to write a test case?

When writing a test case, you'll need to include the following information:

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What is a test scenario?

On the other hand, a test scenario is a high-level description of how a particular function or feature of an application should work. It usually includes a general description of the steps that should be followed to test the function or feature and the expected results. In other words, a test scenario is a description of the steps a tester would take to verify that an application works as expected.

For example, “User can search for and purchase a basket of flowers” is a test scenario that can be used for an online store.

A test scenario can contain multiple test cases. For the example we mentioned in the paragraph above, we could have several test cases checking several search keywords or different baskets of flowers with different quantities.

When should you use a test scenario?

When you want to get an idea of how a particular function or feature of an application should work, you should use a test scenario. Test scenarios are less detailed than test cases and don't include the input values and expected results. This makes them perfect for getting a high-level overview of how an application should function.

How to write a test scenario?

When writing a test scenario, you'll need to include the following information:

What are the similarities between a test case and a test scenario?

As you can see in the previous section of this article, the components of a test case and test scenarios are similar. Both test cases and test scenarios are used to verify that an application is functioning correctly.

What are the key differences between a test case and a test scenario?

The main difference between test cases and test scenarios is that test cases are specific instructions that can be used to test a particular function or feature of an application, while test scenarios are high-level descriptions of how a specific function or feature of an application should work.

Test cases are more detailed and specific, while test scenarios are less detailed and more general. Additionally, test cases usually include the input values and expected results that should occur when the test is run, while test scenarios typically do not.

How to choose which one to use in different situations

When deciding which term to use, it's essential to consider the level of detail you need. If you need more specific instructions for how to test a particular function or feature, then you should use the term "test case". If you just need a general description of how the function or feature should work, then you should use the term "test scenario".

Why it's essential to understand the difference between the two terms when testing software

It's important to understand the difference between test cases and test scenarios because they are used for different purposes. Test cases are used to verify that the application functions as expected under specific conditions, while test scenarios are used to verify that an application works as expected overall.


In this article, we have looked at the differences between test cases and test scenarios. We have seen that test cases are more specific and detailed than test scenarios and that they usually include the input values and expected results for a particular test. On the other hand, test scenarios are less specific and more general. They usually do not include the input values and expected results.

When deciding which term to use in different situations, it's essential to consider the level of detail you need. If you need more specific instructions for how to test a particular function or feature, then you should use the term "test case."If you need a general description of how the feature should work, then you should use the term "test scenario."

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About Michael Da Silva

I'm a digital marketing expert and project manager passionate about automation. When I'm not automating tests and experiments on UIlicious, you can find me blogging about Japan, where I live, on Nipponrama.com.